Richard Allen Garriott 
Naissance : 4 juillet 1961 à Cambridge, Grande-Bretagne (a grandi à Nassau Bay, Texas, États-Unis)
Antécédent : Concepteur de jeux vidéo
Sélection : Recruté en 2008 comme touriste spatial (se payant un voyage dans l'espace)
1er vol : Soyouz TMA-13 11 j. 20 h. 35 min. Participant à un vol spatial (SFP)
Visiting Crewmember #15 (VC-15)
Temps à bord d'ISS Soyouz TMA-13 9 j. 11 h. 20 min.
Sortie spatiale : Aucune
Retraite : Retiré
Décès :
Remarques : Fils de l'astronaute Owen K. Garriott.
RSC Energia bio
(Sep 08)
Richard Allen GARRIOTT 

Space Flight Participant, USA

July 4, 1961 in Cambridge, Great Britain, grew up in Nassau bay, Texas, USA. Lives in Austin, Texas, USA, the Britannia Manor estate.
Father: Owen Kay Garriott, former NASA astronaut.
Mother: Helen Mary Walker, a painter.

Graduated from Clear Creek High School where he got keen on computers and began to study programming and develop his first computer-assisted games independently.
Graduated from the University of Texas in Anstin.

Entrepreneur of the Year (1992).
He is a member of the Academy of Interactive Arts (2005).
His name is entered in the Science's Hall of Fame (2005).
Lifetime Achievement Award by the IGDA (2005).
Decorated with the following awards: "Game of the Year", "Game Designer of the Year" and "Role Playing Game Design Award".

Computer-assisted games (has his site www.RichardInSpace.com, known in the network on-line games as Lord British and General British), tricks, boxing (as a spectator), diving, submerged travel, dives into the water, parachute jumps (gliding), speleology and other summer and winter active sports. When being a student of the University he was a member of the University fencing team.
Took part in two antarctic expeditions to search for meteorites, an expedition to track migrations of mountain gorillas in Ruanda, floated in canoe down the Amazon, submerged onboard the submarine to Titanic. In 2001 he participated in the expedition to the Bermudan triangle area; the expedition participants found the ship sunk in 1810.
He collects articles related to space research. In his collection there is a model simulating the first artificial Earth satellite bought at an auction.

Before entering the University he worked at retail outlet Computer Land. In 1980 he issued his first own game Akalabeth.
Upon graduation from the University he became a professional developer of computer games.
He developed a series of computer games Ultima (Ultima I, II, III, etc.)
In 1983 he together with his father and brother Robert founded the Origin Systems Company engaged in the development of computer games which he sold to the Electronic Arts Company in 1992 and continued working in this company.
In 1993 he became one of the first investors of new company Zero G Corporation rendering services which allowed those who wished to experience the weightless state.
In April 2000 he founded the Destination Games company. A year later Destination Games became a partner of major South Korean manufacturer of computer games NCsoft.
At present he works at the U.S. branch office of the NCsoft Austin Company as an executive producer. He prepares to issue internet-game Tabula Rasa.
He is the Space Adventures Vice-President.

September 2008
Materials from Internet Site www.astronaut.ru 

Voir aussi :
Fiche biographique de la NASA
Fiche biographique de RSC Energia.
Les Explorateurs de l'espace Les conquérants de l'Espace 
par ordre d'atteinte de l'orbite
Les envolées habitées:
1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000
© Claude Lafleur, 2007-2008
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