Claudie Haigneré (Andre-Deshays)
Naissance : 13 mai 1957, à Le Creusot, France..
Antécédent : Chercheure.
Sélection : 8 septembre 1985: deuxième sélection de spationautes français
1998 ?: sélectionnée comme astronaute européen.
1er vol : Soyouz TM-24 15 j. 18 h. 24 min. Cosmonaute-chercheur
2ème vol : Soyouz TM-33  9 j. 20 h. 20 min. Ingénieur de vol 2
Total : 25 j. 14 h. 44 min.
Temps à bord d'ISS Soyouz TM-33 7 j. 09 h. 34 min.
Sortie spatiale : Aucune.
Retraite : Juin 2002
Décès :
Remarques : Le 17 juin 2002, Claudie Haigneré est nommée ministre déléguée à la Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies auprès du ministre de la Jeunesse, de l'Education nationale et de la Recherche du gouvernement français.
RSC Energia bio Claudie HAIGNERE 

Flight Engineer-2 of the Soyuz-TM-33 vehicle,
ESA astronaut, France.

The first French woman in space.

May 13, 1957, Le Creusot, France.

In 1980 she graduated from the medical department at the University of Dijon. She specialized at rheumatology at the medical department at the University of Paris. She is Doctor of Medicine (1981), she defended Doctor's thesis on neurology in 1992.

married, a daughter born in 1998.
Husband - CNES astronaut (now ESA astronaut) Jean-Pierre Haignere.

Has been awarded with Order of Spirit, Friendship, French Order for Merits and other awards. She is a Cavalier of the Honorary Legion Order (France).

HOBBY: modern art (painting, sculpture), reading, sports (gymnastics, golf).

She had worked at a polyclinic and a hospital at the outskirts of Paris up to 1984. In 1984-85 - rheumatologist at Cochin Hospital in Paris.
Since 1985 she has been a member of CNES astronauts team.
During six years she was carrying on scientific activities at the neurophysiological laboratory of National Scientific Research Center at Paris. She took part in preparation of the scientific experiments Fisali and Viminal which are part of Soviet-French program Aragats in 1988 when representative from France Jean-Loup Cretien was working onboard the Mir station.
From 1989 - 1992 she was in charge for programs on physiology and space medicine in the department of life support system at CNES in Paris.
In 1989-1992 she supported scientific coordination of Russian-French expedition Antares in the part of life support during training and flight of Michel Tognini.
In October 1992 she went through the contest and became a candidate for flight to the Mir station on the Altair program. She was trained in the Gagarin cosmonaut training center. In July of 1993 she was backup of Jean-Pierre Haignere on this program and monitored implementation of biomedical experiments from the MCC at Moscow Area.

Voir aussi :
Fiche du CNES
Fiche de l'ESA
Fiche biographique de la RSC Energia
Fiche de l'Encyclopedia Astronautica de Mark Wade
Les Explorateurs de l'espace Les conquérants de l'Espace 
par ordre d'atteinte de l'orbite
Les envolées habitées:
1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000
© Claude Lafleur, 2007
Les Dossiers Espace Espace 101 La Librairie virtuelle Spacecrafts encyclopedia