Home See my essay "Costs of U.S. Piloted Programs"
This graph shows the amount spent by the United States on piloted spaceflight from 1959 to 2015.  It shows the importance of the Apollo program ($100 billions spent over ten years) and of the Space Shuttle ($200 billions over forty years).  At right, the Space Station program ($70 billions spent in thirty years) and the Exploration programs (nearly $50 billions in twelve years).  In all, U.S. spent $486 billions over 57 years, an average of $8.3 billions a year. (All figures in 2010 dollars.)
Program Period Current 
cost (a)
(millions $)
End of Pro- 
gram Cost (b)
(millions $)
Cost in 
2010 $ (c)
(billions $)
Mercury 1959-1963 269 277 1.6
Gemini 1962-1967 1,282 1,342 7.2
Apollo 1959-1973 20,443 29.3 109
Skylab 1966-1974 2,256 2,786 10
Apollo-Soyuz 1972-1975 245 258 1
Space Shuttle 1972-2012 123,031 198,569 199
Space Station: . . . 150
• NASA Funding 1985-2015 58,695 72,102 .
• Shuttle flights 1998-2010 n/a 53,374 126
• Int'l Parthners 1986-2015 . . 24
Exploration Programs 2003-2015 46,208 n/a 48
Total 1959-2015 274,757 n/a 486
a) Adding yearly costs without taking into account inflation. See Tables below.
b) Adding yearly costs taking into account inflation. See Tables below.
c) Adding yearly costs in 2010 $ (rounded). See Tables below.
* See International Space Station Total Cost below.
© Claude Lafleur, Spacecraft Encyclopedia, 2010.
Some Observations
Program Units (in 2010 $)
Mercury 6 piloted flights $265 millions per flight.
Gemini 10 piloted flights $723 millions per flight.
Apollo 11 piloted flights $9.9 billions per flight.
. 6 lunar landings $18 billions per lunar landing.
Skylab 510 day-person $20.3 millionS per station-day-person.
Apollo-Soyuz NASA Funding $1 billion for the U.S. portion only.
Space Shuttle 134 piloted flights $1.5 billion per flight.
Space Station 20,000 day-person $7.5 millionS per station-day-person.
Exploration Programs ISS Budget 2003-2015 ThIs program expanditures are 1½ time those of  ISS.
Constellation Moon Program Total costs $10 billionS were spent between 2004 and 2009.
Total U.S. spending 57 years $8.3 billions a year.
© Claude Lafleur, Spacecraft Encyclopedia, 2010.
(M$) FY 1959 FY 1960 FY 1961 FY 1962 FY 1963 Total
Current 28.9 87.7 92.4 47.7 12.0 268.7
1965 $ 30.4 91.0 94.8 48.2 12.0 276.5
2010 $ 175 522 544 277 70 1,588
Source: NASA Historical Data Book, Vol. I: NASA Resources, 1958-1968, Table 4-22 - Research and Development Direct Obligations, by Budget Line Item and Unique Project Number, 143th page.

(M$) FY 1962 FY 1963 FY 1964 FY 1965 FY 1966 FY 1967 Total
Curent 55.0 287.6 419.2 308.3 163.5 48.0 1,282.2
1967 $ 59.8 306.1 440.7 320.3 167.0 48.0 1,341.9
2010 $ 322 1,649 2,374 1,725 900 259 7,330
Source: NASA Historical Data Book, Vol. I: NASA Resources, 1958-1968, Table 4-22 - Research and Development Direct Obligations, by Budget Line Item and Unique Project Number, 142th page.

(M$) FY 1959 FY 1960 FY 1961 FY 1962 FY 1963 FY 1964 FY 1965 FY 1966
Current 10.1 36.1 190.3 446.5 1,160.6 2,225.0 2,708.9 2,971.3
1973 $ 16.5 57.9 301.4 697.3 1,792.3 3,393.8 4,082.7 4,432.3
2010 $ 61 215 1,200 2,589 6,665 12,601 15,160 16,458
(M$) FY 1967 FY 1968 FY 1969 FY 1970 FY 1971 FY 1972 FY 1973 Total
Current 2,877.9 2,535.2 2,025.0 1,684.4 913.7 601.2 56.7 20,463.1
1973 $ 4,175.4 3,563.0 2,748.2 2,186.4 1,124.4 704.8 63.4 29,339.7
2010 $ 15,504 13,230 10,205 8,118 4,175 2,617 236 109,023
Sources: NASA Historical Data Book, Vol. I: NASA Resources, 1958-1968, Table 4-22 - Research and Development Direct Obligations, by Budget Line Item and Unique Project Number, 142th page ; NASA Historical Data Book, Vol. III: NASA Resources, 1969-1978, Table 2-3 - Programmed Costs of Manned Spaceflight Programs.
(M$) FY 1966 FT 1967 FY 1968 FY 1969 FY 1970 FY 1971 FY 1972 FY 1973 FY 1974 Total
Current 51.2 83.4 126.2 217.0 308.8 405.2 538.5 502.0 23.3 2,225.6
1975 $ 75.9 121.0 177.4 294.5 400.8 498.6 631.3 561.7 25.0 2,786.1
2010 $ 282 449 659 1,094 1,488 1,851 2,344 2,086 93 10,345
Source: Skylab: A Chronology, Appendix 9 - Funding.
(M$) FY 1972 FY 1973 FY 1974 FY 1975 Total
Current 6.9 38.5 90.0 109.6 245.0
1975 $ 9.0 46.1 96.5 109.6 258.1
2010 $ 32 160 358 407 957
Source: NASA Historical Data Book: Volume III; Table 2-12 - Apollo Soyuz Test Project Funding History.

(M$) FY 1972 FY 1973 FY 1974 FY 1975 FY 1976 FY 1977 FY 1978 FY 1979 FY 1980
Current 100.0 198.6 475.0 797.5 1,206.0 1,412.1 1,349.2 1,936.2 2,332.6
2010 $ 435 825 1,891 2,961 4,056 4,749 4,430 4,102 5,651
(M$) FY 1981 FY 1982 FY 1983 FY 1984 FY 1985 FY 1986 FY 1987 FY 1988 FY 1989
Current 2,556.7 3,092,9 3,170.0 3,379.4 3,165.0 3,160.8 5,488.9 3,636.2 4,158.5
2010 $ 6,377 6,469 7,196 6,716 6,701 6,012 5,788 6,189 7,028
(M$) FY 1990 FY 1991 FY 1992 FY 1993 FY 1994 FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998
Current 4,646.3 4,958.9 5,354.3 5,449.7 4,977.3 3,309.0 3,178.8 3,150.9 2,977.8
2010 $ 7,611 7,818 8,140 7,984 7,113 4,623 3,350 4,222 3,914
(MS) FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007
Current 2,998.3 2,979.5 3,118.8 3,270.0 3,208.0 3,945.0 4,543.0 4,777.5 4.107.6
2010 $ 3,874 3,803 3,931 4,038 3,870 4,671 5,273 5,947 4,502
(MS) FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 Total
Current 3,266.7 2,979.5 3,101.4 1,609.7 664.9 79,9 124,276.7
2010 $ 3,466 3,069 3,101 1,640 690 85 199,879 $1,480 millions/flight

Note: In 2010, it was decided to add a 135th flight to the Space Shuttle program (which was supposed to end after 134 flights). This new flight adds $1,243 billion to the program, thus confirming the $1,5 billion per flight average.  That is to say that each new flight would had add $1,2 billion in direct additional fee.)

Sources : NASA Historical Data Book, Vol. III: NASA Resources, 1969-1978, Table 2-3 - Programmed Costs of Manned Spaceflight Programs ; NASA Historical Data Book, Vol. V: NASA Resources, 1979-1988, Table 3–1 - Total Human Spaceflight Funding History, 151-152th pages ; NASA Historical Data Book, Vol. VII: NASA Resources, 1989-1998, Table 2–1 - Authorized/Appropriated Budget (FY 1989–FY 1998), 73th page ; NASA Budgets Documents, FY 1997 to FY 2010.


(MS) FY 1985 FY 1986 FY 1987 FY 1988 FY 1989 FY 1990 FY 1991 FY 1992
Current 155.5 184.7 420.0 489.5 900.0 1,749.6 1,900.0 2,029.0
2010 $ 295.3 338.2 745.0 848.6 1,521.0 2,865.9 2,995.3 3,084.6
(MS) FY 1993 FY 1994 FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000
Current 2,162.0 1,939.2 1,889.6 2,143.6 2,148.6 2,351,3 2.304.7 2,323.1
2010 $ 3,137.6 2,771.2 2,640.2 2,933.6 2,878.9 3,090.7 2,978.1 2,964.9
(MS) FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008
Current 2,112.9 1,721.7 1,492.1 1,498.0 1,676.3 1,753.4 1,762.6 1,813.2
2010 $ 2,663.0 2,126.1 1,799.8 1,773.6 1,946.6 1,983.0 1,931.7 1,923.6
(MS) FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Total
Current 2,060.2 2,317.0 2,779.8 2,983.6 3,129.4 3,221.8 3,182.8 58,695
2010 $ 2,060.0 3,317.0 2,779.8 2,983.6 3,129.4 3,221.8 3,182.8 72,400
Sources: NASA Historical Data Book, Vol.V: NASA Resources, 1979-1988, Table 3–1 - Total Human Spaceflight Funding History (in thousands of dollars, 151th page; NASA Historical Data Book, Vol.VII: NASA Resources, 1989-1998, Table 3–3 - Programmed Budget (FY 1989–1998), 141th page; NASA Budget Information, FY 1997 to FY 2010.
Space Station Total Costs
2010 $ 72 54 126 12 5 5 2 150
Percent 84.0% 8.0% 3.3% 3.3% 1.3% 100%
* Shuttle flights = 36 missions toward ISS at $1.5 billions each.
© Claude Lafleur, Spacecraft Encyclopedia, 2010.


(M$) FY 2004 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 Subtotal
Current % 1,214.5 1,646.0 2,684.5 3,050.1 2,869.8 3,399.4 3,900.5 18,669.8
• Advanced R&D 1,214.5 1,646.0 2,860.5
• Constellation 526.0 1,733.5 2,114.7 2,675.9 3,033.1 10,083.2
• Exploration Systems Research 722.8 692.5 1,415.3
• Prometheus Nuclear System 431.7 431.7
• Human System Research 1003.9 624.1 1,628.0
• Advanced Capabilities 755.1 623.5 472.3 1,850.9
In 2010 $ 1,465.0 1,948.8 3,115.7 3,449.4 3,145.0 3,500.0 4,022.7 20,646.9
(M$) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Subtotal Total
Current 3779.8 4,263.4 4,577.4 4,178.9 4,923.3 5,179.3 27,442.1 46,111.9
In 2010 $ 3779.8 4,263.4 4,577.4 4,178.9 4,923.3 5,179.3 27,442.1 48,089.0
Note: no budgetary details were provided for FY 2010-FY2015 Exploration progrtams.
Source: NASA Budgets Documents, FY 2004 to FY 2010.
(M$) FY 1959 FY 1960 FY 1961 FY 1962 FY 1963 FY 1964 FY 1965 FY 1966 FY 1967 FY 1968
Current $ 39.5 125.3 286.0 556.3 1,477.4 2,675.5 3,052.7 3,187.1 3,012.8 2,703.7
• Mercury 28.9 87.7 92.4 47.7 12.0
• Gemini 55.0 287.6 419.2 308.3 163.5 48.0
• Apollo 10.1 36.1 190.3 446.5 1,160.6 2,225.0 2,708.9 2,971.3 2,877.9 2,535.2
• Skylab 51.2 83.4 126.2
• Other 0.5 1.5 3.3 6.5 17.2 31.1 35.5 1,7 3.5 42.3
In 2010 $ 239 746 1,682 3,226 8,47 15,152 17,084 17,538 16,231 14,109
(M$) FY 1969 FY 1970 FY 1971 FY 1972 FY 1973 FY 1974 FY 1975 FY 1976 FY 1977 FY 1978
Current 2,177.0 2,030.9 1,421.7 1,275.6 1,326.1 1,153.2 1,221.8 1,965.5 1,741.5 1,749.1
• Apollo 2,025.0 1,684.4 913.7 601.2 56.7
• Skylab 217.0 308.8 405.2 538.5 502.0 23.3
• ASTP 6.9 38.5 90.0 109.6
• Shuttle 100.0 198.6 475.0 797.5 1,206.0 1,412.1 1,349.2
• Other -65.0 37.7 102.8 29.0 530.3 564.9 314.7 759.5 329.4 399.9
In 2010 $ 11,298 9,788 6,496 5,552 5,509 4,590 4,537 6,610 5,453 5,318
(M$) FY 1979 FY 1980 FY 1981 FY 1982 FY 1983 FY 1984 FY 1985 FY 1986 FY 1987 FY 1988
Current 2,011.6 2,681.1 2,728.6 3,089.9 3,560.3 4,204.0 3,985.6 4,069.8 6,490.6 4,399.1
• Shuttle 1,936.2 2,332.6 2,556.7 3,092,9 3,170.0 3,379.4 3,166.0 3,160.8 5,488.9* 3,636.2
• Station 155.5 184.7 420.0 489.5
• Other 75.4 363.6 171.9 -3.0 390.3 824.6 664.1 724.3 581.7 273.4
In 2010 $ 5,871 7,330 6,904 7,196 7,543 8,338 7,569 7,452 11,513 7,626
* Included some $2 billion to replace the Challenger Orbiter (losted in Janyary 1986) by Endeavour.
(M$) FY 1989 FY 1990 FY 1991 FY 1992 FY 1993 FY 1994 FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998
Current 5,302.1 6,697.8 7,251.3 7,691.0 8,011.6 7,509.3 5,573.9 5,456.6 5,362.9 5,679.5
• Shuttle 4,158.5 4,646.3 4,958.9 5,354.4 5,449.7 4,977.3 3,309.0 3,178.8 3,150.9 2,977.8
• Station 900.0 1,749.6 1,900.0 2,029.0 2,162.0 1,939.2 1,889.6 2,143.6 2,148.6 2,351,3
• Other 243.6 301.9 392.4 307.6 399.9 592.8 375.2 134.0 63.4 350.4
In 2010 $ 8,961 10,971 11,432 11,692 11,738 10,731 7,788 7,468 7,186 7,465
(M$) FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007
Current 5,303.0 5,467.7 5,450.9 6,031.1 7,960.0 7,521.0 9,368.8 9,919.8 9,069.2
• Shuttle 2,998.3 2,979.5 3,118.8 3,272.8 3,208.0 3,945.0 4,543.0 4,777.5 4.107.6
• Station 2.304.7 2,323.1 2,112.9 1,721.7 1,492.1 1,498.0 1,676.3 1,753.4 1,762.6
• Exploration 1,829.0 1,646.0 2,684.5 3,050.1 2,869.8
• Other 0.0 165.1 219.2 1,038.4* 1,430.9* 432.0 465.0 338.8 329.2
In 2010 $ 6,852 6,978 6,870 7,447 9,602 8,905 10,874 11,219 9,939
FY 2002 Other included some of the $1,214 millions for "Investments and Support", and FY 2003 Other Included $1,192 million as "institutional" and $239 millions fundings. 
(M$) FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Total
Current 8,669.3 9,665.2 10,143.7 9,151.3 8,867.7 8,432.2 9,285.8 9,409.8 274,757.0
• Shuttle 3,266.7 2,979.5 3,139.4 989.1 86.1 123,031.0
• Station 1,813.2 2,060.2 2,317.0 2,779.8 2,983.6 3,129.4 3,221.8 3,282.8 58,695.0
• Exploration 3,143.1 3,900.5 3,965.1 4,263.4 4,577.4 4,178.9 4,923.3 5,179.3 46,208.4
• Other 446.3 725.0 724.2 1,119.0 1,220.6 1,123.9 1,410.7 974.7 22,259.8
In 2010 $ 9,197 9,955 10,144 9,151 8,868 8,432 9,286 9,410 485,539.4

Source: NASA Historical Data Book, Vol. I: NASA Resources, 1958-1968, Table 4-22. Research and Development Direct Obligations, by Budget line Item and Unique Project Number, 143th page ; Table 4-27- Amounts Programmed for Research and Development, by Program Office Area, 154th page: NASA Historical Data Book, Vol. IV: NASA Resources, 1969-1978, Table 4-21. Research and Development Appropriation by Program; NASA Historical Data Book, Vol. V: Table 8–12. Research and Development Funding by Program & Table 8–13. Space Flight Control and Data Communications Funding, 24 & 27 pages.NASA Historical Data Book, Vol. VII: 1989-1998,Table 3–2. Authorized/Appropriated Budget (FY 1989–FY 1998), 136th page..

© Claude Lafleur, 2004-10 Mes sites web: claudelafleur.qc.ca